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Tuesday 25 November 2014

Be mindful of head tilting, dizziness or disorientation & Pay attention to your cat’s appetite

Be mindful of head tilting, dizziness or disorientation. All of these may be symptoms of a neurological disorder. If present, your cat should be brought to the vet immediately.

Pay attention to your cat's appetite. If you have noticed that your cat has not been eating much, or has been eating more than normal, there may be something wrong. If your cat shows no interest in food for a full day, there could be a range of issues from eating the neighbors' food to kidney problems. On the other hand, if you cat is suddenly ravenous, it could be a sign of diabetes or some other health issue. Head to the vet if your cat does not want to   eat for more than 24 hours

Done by: Siti Nur Rabiatul Adawiah Bte Mohd Sobre 

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How to know if your cat is sick ?

Be attentive to your cat's litter box habits. Inappropriate or difficult and frequent urination, appetite loss, listlessness, blood in the urine, or frequent licking of the genitals may indicate feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD). This is painful inflammation of the lower urinary tract that has the potential to be fatal quickly. FLUTD has a number of causes from decreased water intake and urine retention to viruses, bacteria, or diet. Diet is especially important with neutered cats as some dry foods may causes urinary infection. 

Done by: Siti Nur Rabitul Adawiah Bte Mohd Sobre 

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Monday 24 November 2014

Trendy Cat Names, Fashion Cat Names

Some fashionistas like to wear their kittens with trendy and stylish brand things, this makes their cats looks great. Famous brand products are the trappings of wealth and they will improve the style of your cats. Do not forget to choose a trendy cat name for your kitten, this have both you and your cat live in the world of fashion. 

Name and meaning 

Abraham - Meaning Father of a multitude Abraham the first of the Old Testament patriarchs. God changed if from Abram when He appointed him to be the father of the Hebrew nation. 

Arabesque - ornate design

Armani - Brand of men's clothing

Bailey - bailiff, fortification, able

Barnes - someone who lives or works near the barn

Barney - Comforter

Baron -  A low ranking nobleman

Bella - Beautiful 

Bentley - from the moor, Farm where the grass bends. 

Bolivar - Also Known As Long Leggedy Beasty

Calico - Multi-Colored 

Casanova - A man who is gallantly attentive to women. 

Cash - Hollow

Caviar - Salted fish roe. 

Done By: Nuramalini Bte Hj Aiedi 

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Saturday 22 November 2014

10 signs that your cats may be in pain:

  1. increase vocalization.
  2. Licking a particular area of the body more than usual.
  3. appearance of the nictitating membrane (the third eyelid)
  4. Hiding
  5. Panting or open mouth breathing.
  6. Irritability or grumpiness ( from a cat who normally isn't that way)
  7. Lack of appetite.
  8. Change in mobility ( signs of limping or reluctance to move)
  9. Change in litter box habits.
  10. Increased clingy/ need-type behavior.

Done By: Siti Nur Rabiatul Adawiah Bte Mohd Sobrie

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How we found when cats lost?

Some pets have been reunited with their owners months or even years after being lost.

 Try to:

  • contact the people closest to where your pet was lost.
  • Post signs in the area, with description and a photo if possible.
  • Take out a classified add in the local newspaper. Many newspapers offer free "lost pet" ads.

Done By: Siti Nur Rabiatul Adawiah Bte Mohd Sobrie.

10 interesting facts about cat

  1. Every year, nearly four million cats are eaten in Asia.
  2. On average, cats spend 2/3 of every day sleeping. That means a nine-year-old cat has been awake for only three years of its life.
  3. Unlike dogs, cats do not have a sweet tooth. Scientist believe this is due to a mutation in a key taste receptor.
  4. when a cat chases its prey, it keeps its head level. Dogs and human bob their heads up and down.
  5. The technical term for a cat's hairball is a "bezoar".
  6. A group of cats is called a "clowder".
  7. Female cats tend to be right pawed, while male cats are more often left pawed. Interestingly, while 90% of humans are  right handed,  the remaining 10% of lefties also tend to be male.
  8. A cat can't climb head first down a tree because every claw on a cat's paw points the same way. To get down from a tree, a cat must back down.
  9. A cats brain is biologically more similar to a human brain than it is to a dog's . Both humans and cats have identical regions in their brains that are responsible for emotions.
  10. There are more than 500 million domestic cats in the world, with approximately 40 recognized breeds.

Done by: Siti Nur Rabiatul Adawiah bte Mohd Sobrie

Friday 21 November 2014

Pregnant Cats

  • How old is the cat ?
A very young cat (under one year) or an older cat (eight years and older) may have a hard time with birth, with the possibility of deformed or stillborn kittens, or the death of the queen. 

  • What is the cat's general physical condition ?
If she is in an overall good condition and in late-term pregnancy, you may decide to let the pregnant continue to parturition (birth), depending on other factors. 

  • How "far along" is the queen's pregnancy 
Although early and mid-term spay and abortion of pregnancy cats is common, late-term abortion is generally not done. If this is your own cat, you can estimate how far along she is by the date of her last estrus cycle (heat). Otherwise, a veterinarian can estimate the term for you. 

Done By: Siti Nur Rabiatul Adawiah Bte Mohd Sobrie

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Angry Cat

When your cat is angry, look out. If you don't, you might just get slapped with a tail or witness your other pet get spit at and pounced on. Kitties get angry and agitated for lots of reasons, from a lack of petting to an intruder in the house 

Reasons and Solutions

Late feedings, a splash of water and a lack of attention commonly result in a bit of tail whipping from you feline. The behavior isn't serious, and she'll get over whatever bothered her in no time. Hissing, Screeching, Spitting and an aggressive appearance are more serious. Bringing another animals into the house can cause this behavior, as can the smell of strange animals on your clothes, strangers in your house and the appearance of animals outside. Always introduce new animals slowly, by keeping the resident cat and new animal separated for at least two or three days, then feeding them both treats when they see one another for  the first time. If your cat is acting out at other people,smells or animals outside, distract her by making a sudden noise or shuffle her into another room. If a cat fight breaks out, a quick squirt of water will usually do the trick to separated the two. 

Done By: Nuramalini Hj Aiedi

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Meow 39.1lb (Orange/White Tabby)

In 2012 at ripe old age of two, Meow was sent to the Santa Fe Animal Shelter after his 87-year old, owner decide she was no longer able to care for him. Immediately placed on a weight-loss regimen, he was sent to live with a foster family until he could lose 10 lbs. 

He was set to be placed up for adoption when he reached 29 lbs. Sadly, after taking a turn on the talk-show circuit, he passed away on May 5, 2012, due to respiratory failure. He will forever be known as one of the main cats that brought attention to the dangers associated with pet obesity.

Done by: Nuramalini Bte Hj Aiedi

How to know kitty is Happy ?

Cats literally "say" they're happy. Vocal kitties tell you all about it, and engage in long drawn out conversations. Generally the higher-pitched sounds are "happy" while lower pitched can have a bit of frustration and be more demanding. Quiet cats may express happiness with silence, and vocalizes more to express unhappiness. Confusing, yes! But that's why we love our enigmatic felines! While purrs aren't always happy, for the most part they can be an indication of feline contentment or even bliss. Kitty chortles and trills-that "prrrrupttt!" sound many cats make, is a very good indication of cat happiness .

Done By: Siti Nur Rabiatul Adawiah Bte Mohd Sobrie 

How To Know Kitty Is Sad ?

It hurts to see a sad cat, and owners need to ask themselves not only "is my cat sad" but why, and how can kitty be cheered up. Each cat is different, and not all cats act like happy cat clowns. Losing a best cat friend can prompt the kitty to mourn, and a change in work schedule or favorite person leaving for school might prompt separation anxiety. Be alert to these signs of cat sadness. 

Unhappy cats often become very vocal and literally complain with low-pitched mournful yowls. Actually, the cats who are normally vocal may become quiet, while quiet cats turn up the volume. Purrs don't always indicate happiness and an unhappy kitty might actually purr more as a way to comfort himself. 

Done By: Nuramalini Bte Hj Aiedi 

Sunday 16 November 2014

How to love cats ?

  • Don't neglect him/her; they have feelings just like us.

  • Don't be afraid of cats, cats are unique creatures. Pet him/her and make him/her feel secure. 
  • Spoil him/her. Test your creative ways, make him/her a toy. For example, find a feather and tie it to a string, or you can buy a toy from a pet shop or from the internet. 

  • Don't force him/her to do things they don't want to do. Cat's are solitary creatures. Although a cat may want attention when it is awake, they are best left to do their own thing.

  • Teach your cat tricks. If you feel that your cat will do things willingly for a few treats, teach them. The best trick to start off with is "Give Paw". It is very simple! After get the hang of that, teach a few more tricks. 

  • Check your cat's health. You don't wan an unhealthy, unhappy cat!. This doesn't mean you have to bring your cat to the vet's every week, but do check-ups if you feel your cat is not in the best health. 

Done By: Siti Nur Rabiatul Adawiah Bte Mohd Sobrie

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Cats gifting

Mighty hunter case that catch everything from toys to bugs, mice or frogs, often share the bounty with those they love. Kitties with Present you with this bounty deserve praise. They wouldn't bring these special gifts if they didn't love you. Cats have been domesticated  for centuries, but the wild child remains inside many cats become 

expert hunters adept at capturing critters, be they a feather toy on the end of a staring a moth at the window-or even a mouse or other prey creature. These prizes often are presented to the cat’s owner with well-deserve pride. They may be displayed on the back step.

I have heard of owner who awake and are greeted with dozens of toy mice, paper balls, or other "prizes" scattered all over the bed. serene Adores playing with the soft, Mylar "sparkle balls" and leaves these presents for me in my shoes. she's also been known to leave crickets (or the body part, anyways) as a special gift. The one time she came nose-to-whiskers with a live mouse, she seemed surprised by the interloper and at a loss what to do. Other times, cat hunting results in prey animals lined up on the back porch especially for the owner. The indoor-outdoor cat may bring the prey into the house. Cat hunting skill doesn't depend on hunger. Even well-fed indoor only kitties with overflowing food bowls indulge in the practice. 

Done By: Siti Nur Rabiatul Adawiah Bte Mohd Sobrie

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Saturday 15 November 2014

How and why a cat purr ?

How cats Purr?

Experts still haven't nailed down the exact mechanism that creates the purr, which happens on the in hale and exhale for a constant sound, Cats that lose their "meow" (exhale) due to injury are often still able to purr, buts cats with laryngeal muscles, which control (glottis), create the purr sound. Studies have shown that this laryngeal muscles movement is controlled by a unique "neural oscillator" in the cat's brain.

Why does a cat purr?

Scientists believe that cats purr as a sign of communication. You have probably noticed your cat purring when you pet him or her. people usually think that their cat is purring because they are content. While this could be the case, it is most likely that your cat is trying to communicate with you.

Have you ever noticed your cat purring when they are at the Vet's office or when they are frightened? Cats are known to purr when purr when they are feeling distressed, once again they are using their purr as a method of communication.

If you have ever been around a mom cat and her newborn kittens, you might have noticed the kittens purring while nursing. The kittens do not have the ability to cry and nurse at the same time. However, they can purr and nurse at the same time without any problem. The mom cat will often purr back as a sign of reassurance to her kittens.

Just as a newborn baby cries to communicate with their parents, cats and kittens do the same. They do not have the ability to vocally express themselves, so purring serves as their communication.

Done By: Siti Nur Rabiatul Adawiah bte mohd sobrie

Cats sleeping

The first thing you should realize is that cats are most between disk and down, which means that they sleep mostly during the day and become active around twilight. This can come as quite a shock if you're bringing a new kitty home for the first time, Your cat will waste no time investigating and getting into trouble-usually while you're fast asleep! But as soon your cat is done with breakfast, as the rest of the world winds up for action, you'll find him winding down for a long day of slumber.

As sleep champs, felines typically sleep up to 16 hours a day. Because they are most vulnerable during sleep, the place your cat chooses to snooze must be a secure and trusted location. There is no greater loving compliment that a cat choosing your lap for a favorite sleeps spot.

Done By: Nuramalini Bte Hj Aiedi 

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American Curl

The breed originated in Lakewood, California as the result of a spontaneous mutation. In June, 1981, two stray kittens were both long haired, one black and the other black and white. The family named them Shulamith and Panda respectively, but Panda disappeared several weeks later, making Shulamith the foundation females of the American Curl breed. The American Curl is a breed of cat characterized by its unusual ears, which curl back from the face toward the center of the back of the skull.

Done by: Siti Nur Rabiatul Adawiah bte Mohd Sobrie


The exact origins of the breed are unknown, but it is believed to be from Southeast  Asia, and is said to be descended from the sacred temple cats of Siam (now Thailand). In Thailand, where they are one of several native breeds, they are called Wichien-maat. In the twentieth century the cats became one of the most popular breeds in Europe and North American.

Done By: Siti Nur Rabiatul Adawiah Bte Mohd Sobrie 

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Norwegian Forest Cat

The Norwegian Forest Cat is a breed of domestic cat native to Northern Europe, and adapted to a very cold climate. In Norway they are known as Skogkatter or Skaukatter (skog and skau being forms of the world for 'forest' in different Norwegian dialects).

Done By : Siti Nur Rabiatul Adawiah Bte Mohd Sobrie 

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While Siberians are a fairly recent introduction to the US(1990) and thus relatively rare, though popular, the breed can be seen in Russian paintings and writings hundreds of years old. This sets them apart from breeds that are the result of fairly recent selective breeding. There is an increasing interest in Siberians worldwide, and they are currently accepted in all registries.

Done By : Siti Nur Rabiatul Adawiah Bte Mohd Sobrie

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American Short Hair & Bombay

The American feed called Bombay was created in 1958 in Louisville, Kentucky, when Nikki Horne of Shawnee Cattery deliberately bred an American Short Hair with a Burmese for the purpose of creating a domesticated cat that resembled a wild panther (also known as baby panther). The offspring of this breeding did indeed resemble the black leopard of Indian. The name came from the Indian city of Bombay (now Mumbai). Horne called her creation the "patent leather kid with the new penny eyes".

The breed is believed to be descended from English cats (the forebears of today's British Short hairs) brought to North American by early European settlers to protect valuable cargo from mice and rats. 

The American Short Hair is the most popular breed of cat in the United States. 

Done By: Siti Nur Rabiatul Adawiah Bte Mohd Sobre

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Types of Cats:

Persian Cat 

The Persian Cat originates from the Iranian Plateau, a area between the Hindukush mountains and Mesopotamia traditionally  known as "Persia" in the west. The Persian cat is one of the oldest breeds of cat. In Britain, it is called "Longhair" or Persian long hair.

Havana Brown

The Havana Brown is a moderately sized, muscular short -haired cat with a body of average length. The coat color must be brown, typically reddish-brown, with no tabby markings. whiskers should also be slightly longer than wide and the nose should have a distinct stop at the eyes. males tend to be large than females and are average in weight compared with other breeds. 

Done By : Siti Nur Rabiatul Adawiah Bte Mohd Sobrie 

Thursday 13 November 2014

Cats scratching

Cat scratching behavior is hard-wired into the feline brain, and is a natural instinctive behavior that can't be stopped. Although surgery can eliminate nails, declawed cats may instead become biters, and/or avoid the litter box because of painful paws. 

Done by: Nuramalini Hj Aiedi

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Fighting Cat

Nobody likes a cat fight -- the hissing, the yowling, the potential for real harm to one or both cats. Yet tiffs among felines are more common than you might think. Cat programs manager with The Humane Society of the United States, says a recent survey by the American Pet Products Association shows American cat owners had 2.45 cent per household as of 2008, up from 2.3 just a few years prior. When there are two or more cats in a home, fighting is always a possibility. 

There are numerous reasons your cat might pick a fight with another furry felines, even if it's his normally beloved litter mate. But if you learn to read the signals your cat is sending, you'll be able to minimize the chance of a squabble occurring, or stop a fight that's brewing. 

Done By : Nuramalini Bte Hj Aiedi 

Cats enjoy the most

If  you tell about something that was supposed when their teacher leave for a few minutes? “When the cat’s away, the mice will play” mean people sometimes miser have when there is no supervision.

The domestic cat is a very intelligent, very independent animal. They only do what they feel like doing, when they feel like doing it. Some are the quiet type, while some meow all the time, some are fussy and very selective about food and people and some will eat anything and want attention from every person.

When a cat wants to get your attention it will endlessly meow at you, rub against your leg or follow you around. Some really seem to be paying attention to the world around them- watching, listening and taking in all that is going on as if they really understand it all. Beside the fact that there is a great over population of cats without homes, there is much other good reason to get your cat spayed or neutered. 

Done By : Nuramalini Bte Hj Aiedi 

Understanding Cat Language

Cat talk and cat language puzzles us. Cats have been regarded for centuries as mysterious, solitary, unpredictable creatures because we can't understand what they're saying. But savvy cat owners can decipher cat language. While people reply primarily on speech to communicate, "Felines" is predominately a silent language. Cats speak by using complex combination of sign language, vocalization and scent cues. Learn how to recognize cat language basics, and figure out the most common combination, to understand what your cat is saying to you, and to the other fur-kids. 

Done by: Nuramalini Hj Aiedi