Why does a cat purr?
Scientists believe that cats purr as a sign of communication. You have probably noticed your cat purring when you pet him or her. people usually think that their cat is purring because they are content. While this could be the case, it is most likely that your cat is trying to communicate with you.
Have you ever noticed your cat purring when they are at the Vet's office or when they are frightened? Cats are known to purr when purr when they are feeling distressed, once again they are using their purr as a method of communication.
If you have ever been around a mom cat and her newborn kittens, you might have noticed the kittens purring while nursing. The kittens do not have the ability to cry and nurse at the same time. However, they can purr and nurse at the same time without any problem. The mom cat will often purr back as a sign of reassurance to her kittens.
Just as a newborn baby cries to communicate with their parents, cats and kittens do the same. They do not have the ability to vocally express themselves, so purring serves as their communication.
Done By: Siti Nur Rabiatul Adawiah bte mohd sobrie
Credits to: http://petcouponsavings.com/why-does-a-cat-purr/
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