Reasons and Solutions
Late feedings, a splash of water and a lack of attention commonly result in a bit of tail whipping from you feline. The behavior isn't serious, and she'll get over whatever bothered her in no time. Hissing, Screeching, Spitting and an aggressive appearance are more serious. Bringing another animals into the house can cause this behavior, as can the smell of strange animals on your clothes, strangers in your house and the appearance of animals outside. Always introduce new animals slowly, by keeping the resident cat and new animal separated for at least two or three days, then feeding them both treats when they see one another for the first time. If your cat is acting out at other people,smells or animals outside, distract her by making a sudden noise or shuffle her into another room. If a cat fight breaks out, a quick squirt of water will usually do the trick to separated the two.
Done By: Nuramalini Hj Aiedi
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